Sunday, March 26, 2017

Would You Eat Meat From Poultry Laboratory?

Laboratory meat plants is not a new concept - so far thus was created meatball, the most expensive hamburger beef and a kind of synthetic shrimp. Now has come the order of meat from chicken and duck.

Memphis Meats, startups from San Francisco, created the first world "pure meat" of poultry plants of cells in the laboratory, through serving in the portions that included fried meat chicken and duck with orange.

This is one of the few biotechnology companies that aspire to create commercially, available "in vitro" meat that has the same taste, texture and nutrients from real meat, which in the process of making not kill animals. For its creation, scientists cultivated regenerative stem cells taken from poultry which were placed in bioreactors. Upon cultivation of sugar and minerals for weeks became ready for "harvest."

The meat of the chicken is the most popular source of protein in the US - the average citizen annually consumes 40kg such meat, which brings benefits of about 90 billion dollars in the domestic market.

Portions that were made with synthetic meat chicken and duck passed all tests compared to the real meat, and had identical taste, smell and texture, according to a person's testimonies were even tastier.

Optimistic predictions that such synthetic meat will be commercially available on the market in the next 5 to 10 years and some recent studies show that 65% of Americans would at least have tried.

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