Sunday, February 19, 2017

What are the signs of zinc deficiency?

Zinc has so much essential for health, experts have difficulties to briefly summarize how everything affects the body. Each cell system and organ in the body requires zinc for proper functioning and he has an irreplaceable role in the metabolism of cells, immune function, wound healing and expression of DNA.

Because zinc has such a major role in the body and symptoms of deficiency of this mineral can display the hundreds of ways. Some of the common symptoms include diarrhea, hair loss, deterioration of the eyes and skin, impotence and loss of appetite. To this can be added to weight loss, "fuzzy" thinking and often razboluvanje due to weakening of the immune system.

Fortunately, the actual zinc deficiencies are rare because most people consume enough of the mineral through diet.

The symptoms of deficiency are changing with age. Young children who do not get enough zinc may experience slow or stopped growth, loss of appetite, low mood and apathy, and in older adults it manifests itself in problems with memory and thinking, weakened immune system, and macular degeneration (loss of type).

Almost all foods contain zinc, and its bioavailability (amount that the body can easily be extracted and used) varies between the different food groups. The best sources of zinc are oysters animals such as mollusks and animal meats - meaning that if you follow a carnivorous or diversified diet, the risk of deficiency is extremely low. Chances are increasing among those who feed vegetarian or vegan because they need 50% more than the recommended daily dose of zinc compared with the dose should bring mesojadcite - the reason for this is that many plant foods (especially legumes and objectives grains) containing phytic acid which blocks the absorption of zinc. Also alcohol blocks the absorption of the mineral in the intestine, thereby increasing the amount of zinc that is lost through urination.

Many of the foods containing zinc is also rich in iron - so if there is a lack of zinc, it is likely there is iron.

If you are diagnosed with a deficiency of zinc, consult your doctor before taking any supplements, because too much zinc (over 40mg per day) can cause symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, headaches and diarrhea, and the influence of drugs, such as certain types antibiotics and diuretics.

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